Death of a Teacher
Always check BOE policy for action steps moving forward
Contact and inform BOE
Contact District Administration
Assemble the Crisis Team to prepare and plan. Contact neighboring districts if additional social workers/counselors are needed
Communicate with staff of that school regarding the issue and next steps
Assign a counselor/social worker to be in his/her class all day.
Arrange for a substitute teacher
Schedule voluntary morning staff meeting to have face-to-face contact and answer questions
Create counseling/social work opportunities for individual or group grief sessions
Communicate with all district staff
Send communication out to parents that includes what support will be provided
Make contact with the family
Schedule voluntary, after school, staff meeting to discuss plan and support for the following days.
Work with Crisis/Safety Team to create any commemorative or vigil activities if applicable
Debrief situation with Crisis/Safety Team/Admins.
Contact the BOE regarding outcomes or updates
Consider impact of the funeral/memorial